Support for your learning

Please speak to our Learner Services Advisers when you enrol and tell us about your specific needs so that we can provide assistance.

Newcastle City Learning is committed to helping you achieve your goals so that you can get the most from your learning. During enrolment you will have the opportunity to tell us about the support you may need to help you with your course.

You will be asked whether you consider yourself to have a disability, learning difficulty or health problems. the information you give us will only be shared with those who need to know, like your tutor. They can then discuss your needs with you, and put things in place, where possible. to make it easier for you to succeed. Disclosing this information to us as soon as possible also gives us the best chance of getting those arrangements in place for the start of your course.

We ask everyone if they would find learning easier with support such as help with English and maths, careers guidance and course expenses and have specialist tutors who can help. By giving us as much information as you can, we will work with you, in confidence, to give you the best possible chance to do well. If at any time on your course you need assistance please talk to your tutor.

Caring responsibilities

Do you help to look after someone who has an illness, disability, mental health illness or addiction? Newcastle City Learning are dedicated to supporting learners with caring responsibilities and will help you to ensure that having a caring role does not have a negative impact on your studies. You can find out more about the support available in college by speaking to your tutor, or contact Newcastle Carers for more information about support available in the local area