Equality, diversity and inclusion policy

Our Policy


At Newcastle City Learning (NCL) we ensure that the rights of all people under the Equality Act (2010) are adhered to and we also implement Newcastle City Council’s Equality policy – found at Equality and diversity | Newcastle City Council

Treating people fairly is not only required by law but is fundamental to our values and beliefs. NCL has a very diverse community of learners. We celebrate this diversity and understand that levelling the playing field and creating equal opportunities for everyone is a basic British value and the cornerstone to successful learning.

In our latest Ofsted report (October 2021) the inspectors state that:

“Learners of all ages thrive in a learning culture that celebrates diversity.  NCL offers courses for many of the city’s most marginalised groups, such as asylum seekers, refugees, vulnerable adults and young people and young people from difficult backgrounds.  Staff promote and value the aspirations of all learners, irrespective of their backgrounds.”

1. Application  


This policy applies to:

•    current and prospective learners 
•    employees 
•    employers
•    partners

We will:

1.    Provide learning and working environments that respect difference and protects the diversity of those working within them.

2.    Raise awareness of the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion.

3.    Develop the awareness and skills of individuals to promote fairness and inclusivity.

4.    Make sure that everyone is enabled to achieve positive outcomes, whatever their background, views, beliefs and opinions

5.    Ensure fair and equal access to learning and recruitment and take action to promote equality in all of our processes.

6.    Make reasonable and realistic adjustments to enable individuals to participate in learning or work.


2. Expectations and responsibilities


Everyone at NCL are expected to:

1.    Communicate and behave with courtesy, kindness and respect and in accordance with our policies and procedures.

2.    Inform their manager or tutor if they have any additional needs or are experiencing difficulties in learning or working.

3.    Value and respect individual differences and contributions

4.    Alert management or staff if they are concerned that the policy has been breached.

3. Outcomes


For learners

We will strive to ensure that learning and recruitment opportunities are available to all. No individual will be excluded from a learning or recruitment opportunity on the grounds of their age, disability, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or belief and we will make reasonable adjustments to support work and learning. In circumstances where this is not possible, we will identify alternative options/provision.

For employees

Recruitment will be open and fair and job descriptions will be kept under constant review to ensure that they are justifiable and non-discriminatory. All applicants invited to participate in a selection process will be asked if any assistance / adjustment is required to enable them to fully participate.

For employers and partners

We will only work with organisations who support our commitment to equality and diversity, whose Equality and Diversity policies are in place and compliance monitored.

4. Disclosure and additional support provisions


Before starting and during learning/employment, individuals will be given the opportunity (in confidence) to disclose any disability or learning difficulty they may have or any additional support 
they need. This is to ensure we put in place additional or alternative support. We will explain why this information is being asked for and what we will use the information for. Intervention will be recorded and the impact measured at performance reviews. Where need be, the service will draw down ALS (Additional Learner Support) to support individuals or small cohorts of learners further.

Where an employee declares a disability, steps will be taken to accommodate reasonable adjustments to support that person in the workplace.

5. Induction and training


All individuals will receive an induction into their learning and working environment. We will make everyone aware of our commitment to equality and diversity, and how to make us aware of any dissatisfaction or concern. Necessary CPD on equality, diversity and the promotion of British Values will be put in place.

6. Learning and working environment


We are committed to creating open and conducive learning and working environments, where everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. We are opposed to, and will not tolerate, any form of bullying, harassment or unacceptable behaviour. We will ensure all individuals have clear routes to report incidents and/or concerns and for these to be managed fairly and fully.

Updated September 2024.