BUILD (Behaviour, Understanding, Inspire, Learning and Development)

BUILD is an alternative to a full-time programme. This programme offers a safe environment to gain the skills and behaviours needed to progress back into full-time study.

Our BUILD programme has been designed to support the most vulnerable and NEET (not in education, employment, or training) young people across the city. To engage in this programme, you must be 16-18 years of age and a resident of Newcastle upon Tyne.

During this 10-week structured programme you will work as part of a team to complete practical hands-on projects within the city. You will be offered careers advice and support and an opportunity to attend work experience with a range of employers. We work in partnership with Active Newcastle to provide enterprise and sporting activities as part of this programme.

BUILD has been designed to help you to develop your confidence and employability skills to enable you to access further college courses or get apprenticeship ready.

Interested in joining us on this programme or need more information? Please contact us on 0191 277 3520 or email